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First Salmon Since 1912 Spotted In Oregon’s Klamath Basin Months After Dam Removal

October 18th, 2024

On October 16, a fall-run Chinook salmon was identified by Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife fish biologists in a tributary to the Klamath River above the former J.C. Boyle Dam, becoming the first anadromous fish to return to the Klamath Basin in Oregon since 1912 when the first of four hydroelectric dams was constructed, blocking migration.

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Pacific Salmon Foundation Report Shows Widespread Declines For Most Salmon In British Columbia, Yukon

October 18th, 2024

Pacific salmon are in decline across British Columbia and the Yukon, according to a new report from the Pacific Salmon Foundation. More than 70 per cent of salmon are below their long-term average of the 41 combinations of regions and species assessed.

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What’s Happening In North Pacific Between Hatchery, Wild Salmon? Study Stresses More Research To Reduce Unintended Interactions

October 18th, 2024

There are more salmon in the North Pacific Ocean than at any time in the past 100 years, according to a study released this month. The increase is due to changes in the marine ecosystems caused by warming seas -- changes that mostly benefit pink salmon, industrial-scale hatchery production, and commercial fishing.

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Tribal, Federal, State Leaders Celebrate $240 Million In Federal Funding For Maintenance, Upgrades To Tribal Salmon, Steelhead Hatcheries

October 18th, 2024

Tribal, federal, and state leaders gathered at the Tulalip Reservation earlier this month to celebrate $240 million in federal funding for tribal hatcheries. The Inflation Reduction Act investment will help 27 tribes from Northern California to Southeast Alaska meet maintenance and modernization needs of tribal Pacific salmon and steelhead hatcheries.

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WDFW Opens Hatchery Steelhead Fishing In Areas Of Upper Columbia For First Time In 9 Years, 2024 Returns Exceed Wild Fish Escapement Goals

October 18th, 2024

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that steelhead fishing will open in select areas of the Upper Columbia this month. This marks the first time in nine years that anglers can enjoy fishing for hatchery steelhead in these waters.

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‘We Are On The Brink Of Irreversible Climate Disaster:’ OSU Report Says Of 35 Planetary Vital Signs, 25 At Record Extremes

October 18th, 2024

An international coalition led by Oregon State University scientists concludes in its annual report published this month that the Earth’s worsening vital signs indicate a “critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis” and that “decisive action is needed, and fast.”

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