First Salmon Since 1912 Spotted In Oregon’s Klamath Basin Months After Dam Removal

October 18th, 2024

On October 16, a fall-run Chinook salmon was identified by Oregon Department Fish and Wildlife fish biologists in a tributary to the Klamath River above the former J.C. Boyle Dam, becoming the first anadromous fish to return to the Klamath Basin in Oregon since 1912 when the first of four hydroelectric dams was constructed, blocking migration.

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Pacific Salmon Foundation Report Shows Widespread Declines For Most Salmon In British Columbia, Yukon

October 18th, 2024

Pacific salmon are in decline across British Columbia and the Yukon, according to a new report from the Pacific Salmon Foundation. More than 70 per cent of salmon are below their long-term average of the 41 combinations of regions and species assessed.

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What’s Happening In North Pacific Between Hatchery, Wild Salmon? Study Stresses More Research To Reduce Unintended Interactions

October 18th, 2024

There are more salmon in the North Pacific Ocean than at any time in the past 100 years, according to a study released this month. The increase is due to changes in the marine ecosystems caused by warming seas -- changes that mostly benefit pink salmon, industrial-scale hatchery production, and commercial fishing.

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2024 Draft Annual Salmon Survival Report: Smolt-To-Adult Return Rates Won’t Meet Regional Goals Under Non-Breach Alternatives

October 8th, 2024

The latest draft annual survival study by the Fish Passage Center confirms what the organization has found each year since 2019, that recovery of salmon and steelhead in the Snake River will not occur without breaching the four lower Snake River dams.

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Independent Scientists Review NPCC’s Basin Fish/Wildlife Program, Recommend More Comprehensive Climate Change Strategy

October 8th, 2024

In a recent review, a panel of scientists said the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program for the Columbia River basin is still changing and progressing after 40 years of implementation, but will need further updates and improvements, including a better strategy for incorporating climate change into the Program and a more comprehensive analysis of the outcome of removing the four lower Snake River dams.

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Chinook, Steelhead Return Forecasts Rise Again While Coho Booming; Coho, Steelhead Passage At Willamette Falls Way Up

September 27th, 2024

Oregon and Washington opened the entire mainstem Columbia River to fall Chinook and coho salmon fishing from Buoy 10 to the Oregon and Washington state border last week. The change by the two-state Columbia River Compact came at its Sept. 18 hearing and was based on an increase in expected fall Chinook returns, as well as higher than average returns of coho.

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Lamprey Returns To Columbia River ‘Disappointing’ This Year; Efforts Continue To Boost Numbers, Including Translocation To Tributaries, Better Dam Passage

September 26th, 2024

Some 22,038 Columbia River basin Pacific lamprey had been counted at Bonneville Dam’s fish ladders as of Sept. 22, one-half the 10-year average and only one-third the number that had passed the dam on this date last year.

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Steelhead Kelt Reconditioning: ‘Developing Relatively Uncertain Approach Into Viable Management Alternative To Enhance Spawner Abundance’

September 26th, 2024

The Bonneville Power Administration is funding the construction of a state-of-the-art steelhead kelt reconditioning facility in Julietta, Idaho aimed at restoring steelhead populations in the Clearwater River. The new facility will be built adjacent to Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery, which BPA funded in 2001, and is being constructed in partnership with Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the Nez Perce tribe.

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Another Signal Too Many Hatchery Pink Salmon In North Pacific? Study Shows Pink Salmon Abundance Impacting Size Of Snake River Steelhead

September 13th, 2024

Competition with millions of pink salmon in the North Pacific Ocean, which are known for their two-year cycle of abundance, is resulting in shorter steelhead returning to the Snake River – also on a two-year cycle, according to a recent study.

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