Court Halts Million-Acre Oil Lease Sale In Alaska’s Cook Inlet Due To Possible Impacts To Beluga Whales, Orders Further Environmental Review

July 26th, 2024

Environmental groups celebrated a legal victory last week when a federal district court judge overturned an offshore oil and gas lease sale in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, saying the federal government violated the law when holding the sale.

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Lawsuit Says Lower Columbia River Hatcheries Violating ESA By Releasing Too Many Fish, Threatening Listed Wild Salmon, Steelhead

May 3rd, 2024

Two conservation groups followed up on their threat to sue in federal court against federal, state and local governments, saying that lower Columbia River hatcheries downstream of Bonneville Dam are a threat to wild salmon and steelhead listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.

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Other Industry, Power Groups Join Public Power Council In Challenging In Ninth Circuit BPA’s Signing Of Salmon Recovery MOU

March 7th, 2024

The Public Power Council has announced the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers will file a petition for review and join PPC’s Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals challenges of the Bonneville Power Administration’s decision to enter into a U.S. Government agreement and Memorandum of Understanding on Columbia River salmon recovery that commits BPA to various obligations.

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Biden Administration, States, Tribes Formally Sign Billion-Dollar Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative To Recover Salmon, Steelhead

March 1st, 2024

The Biden administration, along with the governors of Oregon and Washington and leaders of four lower Columbia River tribes – the six sovereigns – formally signed an agreement last week that commits the federal government to as much as $1 billion to build infrastructure for eventual removal of four lower Snake River dams and to recover salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River basin.

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Federal Judge Approves Years-Long Pause On Basin Salmon Recovery Litigation So Parties Can Pursue Tribal-States-Feds Restoration Plan

February 9th, 2024

Oregon U.S. District Court Judge Michael Simon Thursday approved a long-term pause in Columbia/Snake River salmon recovery litigation so a tribal-state plan and U.S. government commitments to restore salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin will continue as plann

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Public Power Council Seeks Ninth Circuit Review Of BPA’s Actions Regarding Salmon Recovery MOU

February 9th, 2024

The Public Power Council this week filed a Petition for Review in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding a recently announced U.S. Government agreement that PPC and its members believe inappropriately binds the Bonneville Power Administration to significant actions and commitments that are outside BPA’s congressionally-authorized mission and related obligations.

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Hatcheries: Groups To Sue Over Lower Columbia Hatcheries’ Impacts On Wild Salmon; NOAA Seeks Comments On Expanding Hatcheries To Help Orcas

February 2nd, 2024

Two Northwest conservation groups have alleged that lower Columbia River hatcheries harm wild salmon and steelhead, sending a 60-day notice of intent to sue federal, state and county agencies that oversee and operate Mitchell Act and SAFE hatcheries.

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Salmon Recovery MOU A Secret, Radical Deal? Republicans Say Yes, Administration Officials Say Brings Stability, Helps Fish, Contains Costs

February 2nd, 2024

Senior members of the Biden administration and Republican members of Congress painted vastly divergent pictures Tuesday of the agreement that could pause litigation over Snake River dams and salmon for the next decade.

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