Washington Workgroup To Hold Public Webinar On Columbia River Salmon Management, Encourages Public Testimony

The Columbia River Salmon Fishery Policy Workgroup will hold a virtual public meeting later this month to continue its work reviewing the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission’s policy on salmon management in the Columbia River basin.

The workgroup, made up of three Commission members, will meet May 27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The meeting will be conducted via webinar in response to continued concerns about the spread of COVID-19. The public will be able to view the meeting online and provide testimony.

An agenda and other meeting materials – including instructions on how to watch the meeting online – will be available at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/commission/columbia-river-policy-review

beginning early next week. The meeting will be recorded and posted online later for those unable to attend the webinar.

The workgroup encourages members of the public throughout Washington to provide testimony, including suggestions for allocating the recreational harvest of spring chinook between different regions in the basin.

The Columbia River Salmon Fishery Policy Workgroup is charged with making recommendations to the full Fish and Wildlife Commission. More information on the Commission’s Columbia River salmon management policy is available at https://wdfw.wa.gov/about/commission/policies/columbia-river-basin-salmon-management

Also see:

— CBB, Nov. 14, 2019, JOINT-STATE COMMITTEE REVIEWING COLUMBIA RIVER FISHERY POLICIES (HARVEST) NOW AIM FOR POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS IN SPRING 2020 https://www.www.www.columbiabasinbulletin.org/joint-state-committee-reviewing-columbia-river-fishery-policies-harvest-now-aim-for-policy-recommendations-in-spring-2020/

— CBB, November 2, 2018, “Evaluation Of Columbia River Harvest Reforms Shows Expected Economic Benefits Have Not Materialized,” https://www.www.www.columbiabasinbulletin.org/441755.aspx

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