Low Water In Upper Columbia Has River Managers Tweaking Operations To Aid ESA Chum Salmon In Lower River

November 3rd, 2023

Low water in the upper reaches of the Columbia River -- and concerns about releasing water now from Grand Coulee Dam when it might be needed later for refill and to augment river flows -- has caused fisheries and dam operators of the interagency Technical Management Team to change Columbia River chum salmon operations at Bonneville Dam.

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Without A New Columbia River Treaty Corps Will Need To Use ‘Real-Time’ Flood Control, Rather Than ‘Assured Storage’ In Canadian Reservoirs

October 13th, 2023

Facing the uncertainty of how it will operate the Columbia River hydroelectric system without the flood risk management controls and water storage space in Canada currently offered by the Columbia River Treaty, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says it may need to switch to a “real-time” operation to ensure flood control south of the Canadian border after September 2024 when the Treaty expires.

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In Largest Wildlife Damage Claim In Oregon History, ODFW Lawsuit Alleges Water Control District’s Work Killed More Than 500,000 Pacific Lamprey

October 12th, 2023

A claim for $27.6 million in damages was filed in a Douglas County Circuit Court in Oregon claiming that more than half a million juvenile Pacific lamprey died in August during repairs to Winchester Dam, located on Oregon’s North Umpqua River.

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Study Looks At What Factors Drive Juvenile Salmon Smolts To Pass Columbia/Snake Dams Through Turbines

October 12th, 2023

High spill volumes to maximum total dissolved oxygen levels in order to reduce passage of juvenile salmon smolts through turbines at federal Columbia and Snake river dams is likely to be most effective at night, during high river flows and when temperatures are colder, according to a recent study. These are times when juveniles are less active and their swimming ability is low.

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Biden Administration Memo Orders Federal Agencies To Review All Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Programs, Identify Needs, Prioritize Actions

September 28th, 2023

In a presidential memorandum released Wednesday, the Biden Administration emphasized salmon and steelhead restoration in the Columbia and Snake river basins and called for an all-hands-on-deck approach to recovery of the fish.

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Klamath River Reach Prepped For Post-Dam Removal Flows As Copco No. 2 Dam Being Removed; 3 More Klamath Dams Removed Next Year

September 28th, 2023

The Yurok Tribe and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC), in collaboration with the Shasta Indian Nation, started preparing a stretch of the Klamath River to flow freely for the first time in a century.

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Biden Administration Says BPA To Provide $200 Million Over 20 Years To Advance Salmon Reintroduction In Upper Columbia River Blocked Areas

September 22nd, 2023

The Biden administration this week announced that the Bonneville Power Administration will provide three Upper Columbia River Tribes $200 million over 20 years for ongoing efforts to reintroduce salmon above Grand Coulee and Chief Joseph dams, which have blocked fish migration since 1942. The Tribes have agreed to a twenty-year pause to existing litigation while these actions are pursued.

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