Dear Columbia Basin Bulletin subscriber:
For 20 years the Columbia Basin Bulletin has offered readers in-depth news coverage of Columbia River basin salmon and steelhead recovery, the most extensive and expensive ecological restoration effort in the United States.
We were able to do this as a stakeholder information product under the Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, which is intended to guide Bonneville Power Administration fish and wildlife mitigation spending. Last year, however, BPA informed the Council it would no longer fund the CBB because it did not provide direct fish benefits. BPA said the move was part of its goal of reducing its fish and wildlife spending by up to $30 million.
But now is not the time for the CBB to fold up shop. As we enter a critical period for Columbia River basin salmon recovery and other issues, it is important stakeholders continue to have access to complete, fair and independent news coverage of the key developments in fish and wildlife policymaking, litigation, research, river operations, harvest management, fish passage, habitat restoration and much more.
But going forward we must rely on you, the subscriber, to continue such coverage. We urge you to check out the new Columbia Basin Bulletin website and consider becoming a CBB Member at $96 per year ($8 a month.) We also offer a 6-month rate and organization rate. Membership will give you access to all articles, including 20 years of archives, which provide valuable history and background.
Your Membership will allow the CBB to continue reporting the important details of Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead recovery and other fish and wildlife issues.
Thank you for your consideration,
Bill Crampton
Bend, Oregon