New Federal EIS, BiOp For Columbia/Snake Hydro System Distinct From Recovery Plans; Broader Regional Actions Needed To De-List Salmon, Steelhead

August 6th, 2020

Tucked into the Columbia River System Operators’ final environmental impact statement for the Columbia River power system’s impacts on salmon and steelhead that was released late last week is a more than 1,600 page biological opinion from NOAA Fisheries.

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USFWS Starts Status Review Of ESA-Listed Columbia Basin Bull Trout As Updated BiOp Expected This Summer

March 26th, 2020

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced the initiation of five-year status reviews for 129 species in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Hawaii, Montana, California, and Nevada under the Endangered Species Act, including threatened Columbia River basin bull trout.

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Federal Agencies Release Draft EIS For Columbia/Snake River Dams; Rejects Breaching Lower Snake Dams

February 28th, 2020

Dam operating agencies released for public review this morning a long-awaited draft environmental impact statement that describes the impacts of 14 federal Columbia and Snake river dams on salmon, steelhead and lamprey.

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Diverse Group Calls For Northwest Governors To ‘Foster New Dialogue’ On Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery

February 26th, 2020

A diverse group of river users, utilities and environmentalists is calling on Northwest governors to lead the way to find collaborative solutions to recover Columbia/Snake River Basin salmon and steelhead populations listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.

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NOAA BiOp Says Proposed Natural Gas Terminal/Pipeline In Oregon Will Not Jeopardize ESA Species

January 16th, 2020

NOAA Fisheries has issued a final biological opinion on construction and operation of the Jordan Cove terminal in Coos Bay, Oregon, and the associated 229-mile long Pacific Connector Liquid Natural Gas pipeline that determines the proposed action does not jeopardize protected species or adversely modify their critical habitat.

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NOAA Says Corps’ Draft Proposal On Managing Willamette Dams/Reservoirs Likely To Jeopardize Salmon, Steelhead

November 21st, 2019

The way the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is proposing to operate its Willamette River dams would likely jeopardize chinook and steelhead in the river, according to NOAA Fisheries. Both species are listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act.

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Lawsuit Challenges Corps/NOAA Approvals Of Columbia River Methanol Refinery; Says Threat To Listed Salmon, Orcas

November 14th, 2019

A lawsuit by environmental and public health groups that challenges approvals for a methanol refinery in Kalama, Wash. by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and NOAA Fisheries was filed this week in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington in Tacoma.

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NOAA Fisheries Issues BiOps For California Central Valley Water Projects; Includes Measures ($1.5 Billion) To Protect Salmonids, Sturgeon, Orcas

October 24th, 2019

NOAA Fisheries this week published biological opinions for the long-term operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project, which evaluate impacts on Endangered Species Act-listed salmon, steelhead, green sturgeon, and orcas.

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Yakama Nation, Lummi Nation Call For Removal Of Bonneville, The Dalles, John Day Dams; Say Built Without Tribal Consent

October 16th, 2019

This week in a public announcement at their ancient fishing grounds at the former Celilo Falls, the Yakama Nation, with support of the Lummi Nation from northern Washington, demanded the removal of three lower Columbia River hydroelectric dams.

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