Federal Mediators For Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Hope For Extension Of Litigation Pause; Would Give More Time For Comprehensive Plan

June 30th, 2022

A federal mediator told the Columbia Basin Collaborative Wednesday that his group is hoping for “an extension on the stay” of litigation over Columbia/Snake river basin salmon recovery so mediation among plaintiffs and defendants can continue to move forward.

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House Bill Includes ‘Columbia River Restoration’ Section; Would Include Assessment Of Lower Snake River Dams’ Impacts On Economy, Fish

June 9th, 2022

The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 approved by the House of Representatives Wednesday includes a lengthy section called “Columbia River Basin Restoration” and would require an inter-agency assessment of the four lower Snake River dams’ impact on fish and wildlife.

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White House Plans On Being Involved With Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery As BiOp Litigation Talks Continue; Collaborative Approves A Charter

March 31st, 2022

The White House this week made clear it plans to be involved in Columbia River salmon recovery, saying it has engaged mediators to facilitate “public policy dialogue” with governments and stakeholders.

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With Continuing Drought In Southern Idaho, Full Amount Of BiOp Level Flow Augmentation For Columbia/Snake River Migrating Salmon Unlikely

March 17th, 2022

Due to continuing severe drought conditions in southern Idaho, the Bureau of Reclamation said it is unlikely it can provide this year a biological opinion level of flow augmentation from the upper Snake River basin to aid migrating juvenile salmon and steelhead in the lower Snake River.

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Parties Put Salmon/Steelhead BiOp Litigation On Hold, Commit To Working Together To Find ‘Comprehensive, Long-Term Solution’

October 22nd, 2021

Plaintiffs in the challenge to the Columbia/Snake River biological opinion for salmon and steelhead filed this week an unopposed stay in federal court that effectively puts the litigation on hold while all the parties search for comprehensive salmon recovery solutions.

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Feds Seek To Dismiss Irrigators’ Claims In Salmon BiOp Case; Irrigators Challenge, Saying ‘Interests Directly Affected’

June 11th, 2021

Defendants in the latest challenge to the Columbia/Snake River biological opinion for salmon and steelhead and final environmental impact statement have questioned the cross-claims of the Columbia-Snake River Irrigators Association, saying the irrigators lack jurisdiction.

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Judge Sets Timeline For Challenge To Columbia River Salmon/Steelhead EIS/BIOP; Could Extend Well Into 2022

April 16th, 2021

A federal judge in Oregon has set a schedule for future litigation proceedings in the eighth challenge since 2001 to the federal biological opinion for threatened and endangered Columbia River basin salmon and steelhead. Activity begins this month and extends out to at least August 2022 when final summary judgement briefs are due to the court.

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USFWS BiOp For Listed Bull Trout, Kootenai River Sturgeon Included In Columbia/Snake EIS Details Needed Conservation Measures

August 18th, 2020

When the Columbia River System Operators released the 2020 final environmental impact statement for the Columbia River power system’s impacts on salmon and steelhead in late July, tucked into the document were two biological opinions.

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